How you optimize YOUR day

Hey Reader,

Last week, I asked how you optimize your day. The response was incredible!

I've compiled these gems into a post in our Facebook group.

Head over to read all the tips, add your own, and join the discussion.

You’ll notice most tips focus on home, which reminds me of a little tip I got from a coach ages ago: Productivity isn’t about what we do in one area of life. It’s about how we make the most of each 24-hour day.

So though it might sound silly to have a post with tips on quick breakfasts, daily meds, and pet care in a professional community like The Secret to Thriving Online Communities, those time-savers free up hours and brain space. And that freed-up space can make you more productive at work, among other things.

When you go through the tips, you’ll see several reference bucking social norms in favor of making life easier.

For example, author/speaker Shadia Hrichi isn’t on a daily prescription regimen but finds value in using a pill organizer for her vitamins and supplements. She uses this one from Amazon (her affiliate link). Bet you could find one at the dollar store, too.

Cheri Gregory of Sensitive and Strong blows raspberries at the rules around when you’re allowed to run the dishwasher.

Andrea Lende of Self-Publishing Strategies leaves water glasses throughout her home to get her sips in no matter where she happens to be during the day or night.

Tonight: Should You Run Ads to Grow Your Group

The training you’ve been waiting for, rescheduled from early August, is happening for reals TONIGHT.

Yes, it’s Labor Day in the U.S. Yes, you’re probably enjoying time with family and friends. But I don’t want to put off this session any longer.

The question of whether to run ads to grow your Facebook group comes up a lot, so why not discuss it in the group?
Join me live today inside our private community at 5 p.m. Pacific to explore whether ads make sense for you now, never, or sometime down the line. RSVP here to get reminded when the broadcast begins.

On the Podcast: Confronting the Numbers

Are you one of the many entrepreneurs who break out in a cold sweat at the mere mention of financial reports?

That used to be me. So much so that I was TERRIFIED to hire a bookkeeper and accountant for fear they’d cringe at what I didn’t know.

But I faced my fears around my business finances, which has made me more successful and confident in all aspects of business.

This is why the latest episode of The Business You Really Want (which drops tomorrow) focuses on business finances. Co-host Gwen Bortner and I bust common myths (no, you don't need to be a math whiz!), explore why understanding your numbers is crucial for sustainable success, and share practical tips for making friends with your financial data.

Episodes drop at 6 a.m. Pacific on Tuesdays. Tune in on YouTube or the audio player of your choice, and take the first step toward financial clarity and confidence. Your future self (and your bottom line) will thank you!

Community Updates

  • Thrilled to welcome the following new subscribers from the Creator Network: Loretta, Anitra, Perris, Sherry, Lisa, Matthew, Maire, Christy, Alisa, Monica, Karin, Lena, Fanny, Magdalena, Alice, Kayla, Arnold, Kristen, Laura, Sharon, Maha, abongile, rozemiesmissaert, orlacocoman1, stushome, treilly, satheeshkumar, shanny, alb2219, and disepiron.
  • The September workshop schedule is posted to our private group.

It's always a pleasure to visit your inbox. Make sure to check out The Gathering Ground below for additional tips and tidbits.

Keep thriving,


The Gathering Ground


(may contain affiliate links)




Live group audits take place in STTOC on Oct. 21. Open to all members of our Facebook group, you must apply by Oct. 16 to be considered.

I’m working on the 2025 Community Content Calendar. If you bought the 2024 version and have suggestions for improvement, let me know.



Searching for a different livestream service. StreamYard is raising its prices across the board and my plan is increasing from $200/year to $878 😡

Entering Week 4 of my Motion app trial. Following the walkthrough I recorded, I’m getting better at predicting how long tasks will take.

Want to learn this footer email strategy? You’ll want to check out this training!

Tonya Kubo

I believe social media should bring people closer together — not drive them further apart. As a social media strategist, I help impact-driven entrepreneurs and organizations grow highly engaged online communities, so they can conquer their business goals without running on empty. You can find out more either by subscribing below or joining The Secret to Thriving Online Communities on Facebook,

Read more from Tonya Kubo
Tonya and Gwen outline their next podcast episode. Tonya sits in front of her laptop, while Gwen writes in her notebook.

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