My favorite freebies

This is an email about the Save Time, Sell More bundle. If you don’t want bundle promotion emails, click here to opt out. You'll still get our regular Monday updates.

If you're one of the 60+ people who have joined our community by way of the Save Time, Sell More bundle, THANK YOU!

This email is an example of what makes our community different than others. I like to see how the sausage gets made in online business, and I attract business owners who appreciate that kind of behind-the-scenes insight as well.

Today, I want to share some of my favorite free offers available in the Save Time, Sell More bundle. But before I do that, I'll share the promoting partner leaderboard so you can see how it's going for all participants.

The stats below are from an email sent out Monday afternoon-ish. Like with most promotions, stats will change rapidly throughout each day with movement up and down the ranks getting more intense in the final days of the promotion.

Regardless of current ranking, it's still anyone's game until the promotion ends at 3 p.m. Pacific on Monday, Sept. 30.

And yes, I'm the "Tonya Luiz" listed in 7th spot. It's been 15 years since I've typed that out in a professional setting, but what can I say? I'm really old in Internet Years.

On Monday, I shared what makes this bundle different from others you see promoted (MemberVault founder Erin Kelly is nothing if not creative). You can read that email here.

While the deadline to sign up for the free bundle is coming up on Monday, Sept. 30, you have until Oct. 31 to choose which offers you want to take.

I tend to be a Last-Minute Lucy with these sorts of things, but I sat down yesterday to go through the bundle on your behalf. I know how overwhelming bundles can be. This one has more than 60 available offers. A few are platform-specific (focused on ClickUp, MemberVault, ConvertKit, etc), but some would make sense for anyone looking to work more efficiently.

Here are the free offers I've signed up for and what I think of them:

Solopreneur KPI Tracker (Adrienne Farrow)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the scorecard by which you can assess the health of your business. Adrienne makes KPI tracking easy with this Google-based tracker (and it's even better than a spreadsheet!

Burnout Free Memberships (Sandra De Freitas)

Too often, launching a membership means stepping onto a content-creation hamster wheel that you can't escape. But it doesn't have to be that way. Sandra's guide walks you through various models for low-touch memberships based on content you already have or can easily create.

My GO-TO Dashboard (Adrienne Farrow)

Want a single source of truth for your business? Whether you call it a "second brain" or digital business hub, Adrienne's GO-TO Dashboard template can help you create a one-stop shop for all of your business information and resources.

The Comfy Business Playbook (Laura Robinson)

Nothing makes you want to burn your business to the ground faster than feeling like you have to fight your nature to be successful. Laura's Comfy Business Playbook is a journal-based guide that helps you get clear on what you really want from your business — so you don't build something you hate.

Replay-Ready Recording (Dama Jue)

For years, I've been asked to turn the free workshops inside of The Secret to Thriving Online Communities into paid evergreen products, but I never feel like the recordings are good enough to sell. I know Dama is one of many online business owners who successfully sells repackaged livestreams without re-recording or heavy editing. I snagged this offer to learn her secrets.

ConvertKit Visual Automations (Welmoed Verhagen)

ConvertKit isn't a hard email management system to use, but the operations side of marketing isn't my favorite task. Welmoed's automations guide shows how to create automated experiences within ConvertKit that feel personalized to subscribers without requiring daily management on my part.

I'm hoping to implement some of these automations to improve the level of service you get from me as a subscriber.

The above offers are just a tip of the iceberg in the Save Time, Sell More bundle, which is filled with templates, strategies and services designed to — like the name implies — save you time while increasing your sales.

If any of the above appeal to you, it's worth signing up for the bundle to access it for free. But don't overlook the paid offers that are discounted by 30%-60% — there are plenty!

I'll be talking about my favorites in the deeply discounted (but not free) category next. But before then, if you've already signed up for the bundle, let me know which offers you've grabbed so far.

We're better together!


P.S. The Save Time, Sell More bundle is the only way you can get my 2024 Community Content Calendar for FREE (reg. $47)! Grab it while you can.

The Gathering Ground


(may contain affiliate links)




Live group audits take place in STTOC on Oct. 21. Open to all members of our Facebook group, you must apply by Oct. 16 to be considered.

I’m working on the 2025 Community Content Calendar. If you bought the 2024 version and have suggestions for improvement, let me know.



Searching for a different livestream service. StreamYard is raising its prices across the board and my plan is increasing from $200/year to $878 😡

Entering Week 4 of my Motion app trial. Following the walkthrough I recorded, I’m getting better at predicting how long tasks will take.

Want to learn this footer email strategy? You’ll want to check out this training!

Tonya Kubo

I believe social media should bring people closer together — not drive them further apart. As a social media strategist, I help impact-driven entrepreneurs and organizations grow highly engaged online communities, so they can conquer their business goals without running on empty. You can find out more either by subscribing below or joining The Secret to Thriving Online Communities on Facebook,

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