
Tonya Kubo

I believe social media should bring people closer together — not drive them further apart. As a social media strategist, I help impact-driven entrepreneurs and organizations grow highly engaged online communities, so they can conquer their business goals without running on empty. You can find out more either by subscribing below or joining The Secret to Thriving Online Communities on Facebook,

Tonya and Gwen outline their next podcast episode. Tonya sits in front of her laptop, while Gwen writes in her notebook.
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The productivity hack nobody talks about

Hey there! Have you ever sought expert guidance only to be left feeling misunderstood? Or maybe, you understood but didn't get the results you expected when you followed their advice? The problem might not be the advice itself, but the way you’re asking it. Believe it or not, the quality of advice you get depends on the quality of the questions you ask. The quality of the advice you receive depends on the quality of the questions you ask. By learning to ask clear, concise, and focused...

Hey there! Running an online community isn’t as easy as some like to think, especially if it’s designed to build your business. On any given day, you’re juggling the proper care and feeding of your people along with content creation and scheduling, sales and marketing, strategic planning, performance tracking, service delivery and more — and we haven’t even covered what’s going on in your personal life. I’m in the same boat. Not only do I have to manage all of those things for my own...

Hey there! I’m taking a break today from the usual. Instead of thoughtful insights on strategic community design and the soft skills of community management, I have just a few notes to share: TODAY is the last day to get free access to the Save Time, Sell More bundle. You have until 3 p.m. Pacific to sign up, and then you have until Oct. 31 to thoughtfully consider which discounted offers make sense for you and your business right now. Tonight’s live workshop in The Secret to Thriving Online...

This is an email about the Save Time, Sell More bundle. If you don’t want bundle promotion emails, click here to opt out. You'll still get our regular Monday updates. Hiya! Today's email was going to feature my favorite deeply discounted (but not free) offers inside the Save Time, Sell More bundle. But here's the thing: That information is only useful to those who sign up for the bundle AND that's a decision that you don't have to make until Oct. 31st. The decision that has to be made first...

Tonya Kubo save time sell more

This is an email about the Save Time, Sell More bundle. If you don’t want bundle promotion emails, click here to opt out. You'll still get our regular Monday updates. If you're one of the 60+ people who have joined our community by way of the Save Time, Sell More bundle, THANK YOU! This email is an example of what makes our community different than others. I like to see how the sausage gets made in online business, and I attract business owners who appreciate that kind of behind-the-scenes...

Developing a Crisis Plan for Your Community

Nobody likes to think about crisis, but if you’re running an online community – free or paid – you can’t afford NOT to. I’ve recently supported four clients in navigating sticky situations with reputational risks and consequences. It’s stressful ... and pricey! Don’t want to get caught unaware? Come to Developing a Crisis Communication Plan for Your Community today at 5 p.m. Pacific inside The Secret to Thriving Online Communities. Whether it’s handling negative feedback, managing conflicts,...

lots of teeny-tiny head shots, demonstrating all of the contributors to the Save Time Sell More bundle

Hey Reader, Time…the albatross for every business owner. We want to get so much done, but we can’t ever seem to find the time to do it all. Time, money, and energy are all fixed resources that have to be invested wisely. Which is why any time I find a shortcut, template or hack to getting things done faster or more efficiently, I shout it from the rooftops. It’s also why I created the 2024 Community Content Calendar. I never assume you have more time than I do to work on your business. If...

Are you podcast super-listener?

Hey Reader, Can you believe it's been a month since we launched The Business You Really Want? Time flies when you're having fun (and talking about sustainable success for women in business)! I have to admit, when I pitched this podcast idea to Gwen, I knew it would resonate with our community. But the response we've received has blown us both away. In just one month: 192 unique listeners have tuned in We've had 308 total downloads 8 effusive Apple reviews have rolled in 24 awesome-sauce folks...

free training for community leaders

Hey Reader, The “riches are in the niches” might be Pat Flynn’s most famous quote, and for good reason. When a business owner or content creator hyperfocuses on a specific area of expertise, they can offer distinct value to their customers in a way that sets them apart from competitors. Translation: When you niche down, you'll get even better at what you do and will become an industry leader. That’s not wrong, but it ignores the nuances of modern business. For years, I struggled with my own...

Hey Reader, Last week, I asked how you optimize your day. The response was incredible! I've compiled these gems into a post in our Facebook group. Head over to read all the tips, add your own, and join the discussion. You’ll notice most tips focus on home, which reminds me of a little tip I got from a coach ages ago: Productivity isn’t about what we do in one area of life. It’s about how we make the most of each 24-hour day. So though it might sound silly to have a post with tips on quick...